Shipping Policy & Terms of Service

Below are our Terms of Service.

Secure ordering on this site: All ordering on is secured by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL creates an encrypted connection for sending credit card and other personal data. Any transactions on this site that include your personal information or orders have the secure “https” preface rather than the “http”.

Return Policy: All sales are final. No returns are accepted.

Shipping Rates:  We ship USPS first class or priority mail with a tracking number. All orders, within the US, over $99 benefit from free shipping. Otherwise, we offer flat rate shipping prices based on your order total:

$1.00-$20.00 = $4.95 shipping

$20.01 – $35.00 = $5.90 shipping

$35.01-$40.00 = $6.90 shipping

$40.01-$60.00 = $8.45 shipping

$60.01 -$98.99 = $9.65 shipping

$99 and + = FREE

Note: We ship Monday through Friday using the Postal Service, unless there is a previously agreed-upon special arrangement with the customer.

International orders: Please call or email us so we can correctly estimate shipping for your purchase. If your order will fit into a flat-rate global priority envelope or box, we will charge you that international flat rate price. If not, we will make a special arrangement.

6 thoughts on “Shipping Policy & Terms of Service

  1. I can’t get the terms and condition to check so I can finish my order.

    1. Hi Joyce,

      Thanks for e-mailing and for calling in and I am glad we have been able to handle this very swiftly.
      Enjoy your holiday weekend.


  2. Is there a way to order specific colors?

    1. Hi Helen, sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but I just noticed your request. Yes, you can order specific colors, but it is best to request them first before you order, so that we will be able to fill your order.
      Which colors were you thinking of and which lengths?

      Thanks, Luc

  3. How long are the pieces of lace on your website? If I ordered two lengths, would they be continuous?

    1. Hi Jan,

      I did answer this in another e-mail. Thank you for your order. It will be prepared today and go out tomorrow. Have a great day! Luc

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